The price of 1 USDT (Tether) is typically pegged to the US dollar, meaning that 1 USDT is usually worth around 1 USD. However, the exact value may vary slightly due to minor fluctuations in the market or the platform’s exchange rate fees.
To get the most accurate, real-time price of 1 USDT, you can check on popular cryptocurrency exchanges like:
- Binance: Binance USDT price
- CoinMarketCap: USDT Price on CoinMarketCap
- CoinGecko: USDT Price on CoinGecko
Since USDT is a stablecoin, its value will generally remain close to 1 USD, but it’s always good to confirm the price at the moment of purchase to account for any small fluctuations.
If you need assistance in acquiring 1 USDT or more, Lumina Lore offers personalized guidance and trading services. Contact us today for expert support in navigating the world of stablecoins like USDT!